Controversy has caught Ram Gopal Varma's film Rakta Charitra once again. The latest report suggests that Telugu Desam
Party founder N.T. Ramarao's wife Ms Parvati has informed the media that she will file a written petition asking for removal of
some scenes from the film.
As per Parvati, these particular scenes portray her husband as a 'murderer'. She has also charged director, RGV, of trying to
gain publicity for the movie by creating sensationalism and controversy. The late leader's wife has termed him as a wicked
person and also challenged him to come in front of her to talk about the film.
In the meantime, Mr Motukupalli Narasimhulu, a TDP leader has also condemned those objectionable scenes in the movie.
He demanded that the director should remove those scenes with immediate effect or else they will launch an agitation
against the movie.
The TDP activists have also staged 'rasta roko' and 'dharna' in Hindupur and Anantapur in front of the film theaters, where the
movie was released. They were angry with the filmmaker for portraying the former chief minister as criminal.
The TDP activists had heated argument at the Krishna theater in Anantapur with theater management. They also threw
stones thus damaging the flex boards because it has hurt their sentiments.
Later, police had to arrest 30 activists to maintain law and order.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010 11:27 IST